Levi and Lucy Morehouse Obituaries, 1887 and 1895

Silas and Mary Morehouse Family 1880 Census

1880 U.S. Census, Wabash Township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, ED 22, Series: T9 Roll: 313 Page: 193, 163 174
Silas Morehouse age 35  
farmer, born Indiana 
father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
Mary age 28, wife 
keeping house, born Indiana 
father born Ohio  mother born Ohio
Maud age 8, daughter
Gertie age 5, daughter
Oliver P. age 3, son
Infant age 2 mo., son

Amos Morehouse Daybook Entry 1838

These items were given to Levi
about two weeks after his
May 16, 1838 marriage to Lucy Kee.
May 29 1838 A list of the things that I let Levi J. Morehouse my son have
one coat eighteen Dollars $18.00
one coat and vest eleven dollars 11.00
one coat ten Dollars 10.00
one pare of overhalls three dollars   3.00
do one pare of Janes two Dollars & fifty      2.50
one fur cap seven dollars   7.00
one hat three dollars fifty cents            3.50
boots shoes shirs four dollars   4    
two pare of cotton pantiloons   2.00
one chest three dollars   3.00
one bedstead two dollars fifty cts   2.50
1/2 set of chairs four dollars                4.00
bed and bedding twenty three dollars  23   
pot metal 225  2.25
four hogs six dollars  6.00
four sheep twelve dollars 12.00
one cow ten dollars 10.00
two yearlands steers fourteen dollars         14.00
one sheet                 1.25

L. Jennings Morehouse Daybook 1830

I photographed portions of this DAYBOOK, in 2010 at our Morehouse family reunion in Lafayette, Indiana. Most of the entries seem to be written by Levi J. Morehouse, although two of the pages that I have photos of were written by his father Amos.

Levi and Lucy Morehouse Family 1880 Census

1880 U.S. Census, Wabash Township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, 
Series: T9 Roll: 313 Page: 191
135 141
Levi J. Morehouse age 61 
married, white male  
farmer, born Ohio  
father born N.J., mother born Ohio
Lucy age 61, wife  
married, white female  
keeping house, born Ohio 
father born Virginia, mother born Ohio
6 boarders: 1 servant and 5 farm laborers

Levi and Lucy Morehouse Family 1850 Mortality Schedule

As a part of the 1850 U.S. Federal Census information was asked about those persons who had died in a household during the past twelve months. Levi and Lucy Morehouse's son Levi died in September 1849 and is here enumerated. 
   Name: Levi Moorhouse  
   Age: 8/12  
   Sex: Male  
   Place of Birth: Ia. (Indiana)
   Month died: Sept
   Disease, or cause of death: Cronick? 
   Number of days ill: 80?

Remarks: Wabash Township is bordered on the south and part of the eas by the Wabash River on the west by Shelby North by White County and part of the east by Tipppecanoe Township. This is some of the select of the wabash valey in the township.  Corn is raised with two plowing to the amount of one hundred bushel per acre. The Soil is black loose and sandy. The timber is principaly ash but almost all kinds of timber in the western county may be found. It takes in part of the grand Prairie which is not surpassed by any for beauty and richness. The water is pure and cold, The Cholera ______ __ _____  bad about on the edge of the Prairie the last year,  - about the middel of the township their has been several case of milk sick. The wheat in the township was all most an entire failure last year. Their has been a ____ ____ ____ __  about five miles from Lake ____ near the west side of the township.

Levi was buried in Hebron Cemetery in Wabash Township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana
Levi, son of LJ & L Morehouse
died Sept 8, 1849, aged 7 mo 14 da

Levi and Lucy Morehouse Family 1850 Census

1850 U.S. Census, Wabash Twp, Tippecanoe, Indiana, 10 Aug, Series: M432 Roll: 175 Page: 14, 180 180
Levi Morehouse age 33, farmer, born O.
Lucy age 33, born O.
Joseph age 10, born Ia. (Indiana)
Rachel age 8, born Ia.
Silas age 5, born Ia. 
Martina age 3, born Ia.
Josiah? McCowen age 27, laborer

Morehouse Family Bible Records

These pages are from a Bible handed down to Alan Morehouse. It was said to be Levi and Lucy's Bible, although it does contain entries for Levi's parents, Amos and Rhoda Morehouse. The pages were sent to me in 2004. I remember seeing the intact Bible at Alan's house in the 1990s, but I didn't record its copyright date.

Amos and Rhoda Morehouse Burials

Hebron Cemetery, Wabash Township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana
Rhoda, Wife of Amos Morehouse died Nov 13, 1837, Aged 37yrs 8m & 6da,
J. Pampel  Lafayette Ind
Amos Morehouse died July 17, 1845, Aged 52yrs 2m & 6d
Photos taken October 2002

Amos and Levi Morehouse Families in 1840

Amos Morehouse completed his purchase of land in Tippecanoe County, Indiana from the government in 1834. In 1837 his wife Rhoda died and was buried in Hebron Cemetery, Tippecanoe County. In this 1840 U.S. Census I've found an Amos and Levi Moorehouse living next to each other in Warren County, Indiana, not in Tippecanoe County. Warren County is located just to the west of Tippecanoe County.

Levi Moorehouse: 1 male < 5, 1 male 20-30, 1 female 20-30
total 3 persons, 1 in agriculture
Amos Moorehouse: 1 male 5-10, 2 males 10-15, 1 male 50-60, 1 female 5-10, total 5 persons, 2 in agriculture, 1 in manufactures and trades, 2 white persons over 20 years of age who cannot read and write

Amos Morehouse Land Patents 1834

These land patents were paid in full on October 14, 1834. The purchases were for 40 acres each in portions of sections 12 and 11 of Wabash Township in Tippecanoe County, Indiana.
"Amos Morehouse, of Clark County, Ohio ... full payment ... the North West Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section Twelve, in Township Twenty three North of Range Five, West in the District of Lands subject to Sale at Crawfordsville Indiana, containing Forty acres." 
NWNW 12/ 23-N 5-W No2nd PM IN Tippecanoe 

"Amos Morehouse, of Clark County, Ohio ... full payment ... the South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section Eleven, in Township Twenty three North of Range Five, West in the District of Lands subject to Sale at Crawfordsville Indiana, containing Forty acres.

SENE 11/ 23-N 5-W No 2nd PM IN Tippecanoe
This map showing the current location of Amos Morehouse's land purchases was found by entering the land descriptions above at www.earthpoint.us/Townships.aspx.

Levi and Lucy Morehouse Family 1860 - 1870

The Levi and Lucy Morehouse family in the 1860 and 1870 U.S. Census in Wabash Township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana.

Jacob Morehouse Biography c1906

Jacob Morehouse was a younger brother of Levi J. Morehouse.

Joseph Jennings Morehouse Biography 1909

Joseph J. Morehouse was the oldest son of Levi and Lucy Morehouse, and Silas Morehouse's older brother. A partial history of the Morehouse family is given as part of this biography of Joseph.

Levi Morehouse Biography 1888

I have found three Morehouse biographies that include information about Levi J. Morehouse and his parents Amos and Rhoda. The first, published in an 1888 Tippecanoe County, Indiana history, is a sketch of Levi J. There is also a sketch of his son, Joseph J. Morehouse published in 1909 and an autobiography of Levi's brother, Jacob Morehouse that was written about 1906.

Levi and Lucy Morehouse Residence

Levi and Lucy Morehouse were the parents of Silas Morehouse, and the grandparents of Alpha Morehouse.

The Silas and Mary Morehouse Farm c1898

This is an early photo of the farmhouse that Silas and Mary Morehouse built, probably around 1890. Silas and Mary first lived in a log cabin. The first four stones in the ground west of the farmhouse porch were where the logs had rested.

Silas and Mary Morehouse Family

Silas Amos MOREHOUSE was born on 23 Dec 1843 near Lafayette, Indiana. On 7 Oct 1869 when Silas was 25, he married in Tippecanoe County, Indiana Mary Matilda RAWLES, daughter of John RAWLES & Mary Matilda NEWELL. Mary had been born near Lafayette, Indiana on 30 Sep 1851. Silas died in Tippecanoe County on 12 Jun 1921; he was 77 and Mary died in Tippecanoe County, on 4 Aug 1939; she was 87. 

They had the following children:
  1. Maude E (1872-1926)
  2. Gertrude Dayle (1875-1965)
  3. Oliver Perry (1877-1916)
  4. Garfield Roy (1878-1951)
  5. David Rawles (1883-1924)
  6. Mary Matilda (1885-1976)
  7. Daisy (1887-1964)
  8. Zelina Eloise (1888-1991)
  9. Geneive (1891-1989)
  10. Alpha Logan (1893-1974


Alpha Logan Morehouse was born 19 March 1893 on his parents' farm near West Lafayette, Indiana. He was the 10th child of Silas & Mary (Rawles) Morehouse. Alpha's great-grandfather Amos Morehouse moved to Indiana from Ohio sometime before 1834.